1. Perform DOS and DDOS with various techniques
As an expert ethical hacker or pen tester, you must have the required knowledge to perform DoS and DDoS attacks to be able to test systems in the target network.
1. Perform DOS (syn flooding) using Metasploit
2. Perform DOS attack using HPing3
-S sets the syn flag
-a spoof the address
--flood sends a large no of packets
Ping of death
-d sets the data size
UDP protocol flooding on NetBios (139)
3. Perform a DOS attack using Rven-Storm
4. Perform DDOS using HOIC
5. Perform DDOS using LOIC
6. Perform a DDoS Attack using ISB and UltraDDOS-v2
One the ISB tool, ISB window appears, using this tool we can perform various attacks such as HTTP Flood, UDP Flood, TCP Flood, TCP Port Scan, ICMP Flood, and Slowloris. Additionally, we can gather Target Info using the WHOIS, NS, TRACEROUTE, BROWSER, PING options present in the tool.
Here, we will perform TCP Flood attack on the target Windows Server 2019 machine. To do so, enter the IP address of the Windows Server 2019 in the URL: field (here,, port number (here, 80) in the Port: field and click on Set Target.
The IP address of Windows Server 2019 along with the port number appears in the Set: field.
Now, under Attacks navigate to TCP Flood tab and type 10 in the Interval field, 256 in the Buffer field and 1000 in the Threads field.
Leave the ISB window running and click Windows Server 2022 to switch to the Window Server 2022 machine.
Ultra DDOS tool
Run ultraddos.exe file.
If an Open File - Security Warning appears, click Run.
A Command Prompt window appears, in the Ultra DDOS v2 window, click OK.
In the Ultra DDOS v2 window, click on DDOS Attack button.
In the Please enter your target. This is the website or IP address that you want to attack. field, type (IP address of Windows Server 2019 machine) and click OK.
In the Please enter a port. 80 is most commonly used, but you can use any other valid port. field, enter 80 and click OK.
In the Please enter the number of packets you would like to send. More is better, but too many will crash your computer. field, type 1000000 and click on OK.
In the Please enter the number of threads you would like to send. This can be the same number as the packets. field, type 1000000 and click on OK.
In the The attack will start once you press OK. It will keep going until all requested packets are sent. pop-up window, click OK.
As soon as you click on OK the tool starts DoS attack on the Windows Server 2019 machine.
Click Windows 11 to switch to the Windows 11 machine, and in the ISB window click on Start Attack button.
You can open the resource monitor to view that resources are being exhausted.
7. Perform a DDoS Attack using Botnet
Create a metasploit exploit.
Similarly make exploits fir each of your bot.
Now, you can directly run multihandle, running the following command.
Now, you can upload scripts to exploited targets.
Now, you can run the script from all your bots. Run the DDoS file using command python eagle-dos.py on windows shell terminal. It will ask for Target's IP, type and hit enter.
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