Welcome to your ultimate guide to passing the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Practical exam. This resource provides all the tools, techniques, procedures, and notes you need for your CEH preparation.
👋🏻 If you are here then you are probably to pass your Certified Ethical Hacker (Practical) exam or to get to know about the exam. So this book guides you with all the tools, tricks procedures, and notes. I used it in my preparation and during my exam.
Recommended Course
The course provides step-by-step instructions to set up your own hacking lab for practicing labs for CEH. You will also be presented with hands-on challenges on free platforms like Try hack me and Hack the Box that will solidify your hacking skills.
CEH V13 Update
EC council has recently introduced CEH V13 and many labs have been excluded. I have still kept these labs in the cheatsheet as you never know what to expect in the exam and having a cheetsheet can help. The deleted labs from CEH V13 are highlighted in red in the cheetsheet.
CEH V13 also introduced a lot of AI labs based on shell GPT. To follow those labs, you need to buy chatgpt subscription. The setup steps are as given in the EC Council Setup Guide
About Me
Hey There!👋🏻 I'm an Information Security Professional and a Certified Ethical Hacker with 10+ years of research experience in Penetration Testing and Cyber security. I have multiple Industry Certifications like CEH Master, CCENT, HCIP, HCIA, MOS and CSCU.
If you have any questions or suggestions, You can contact me at [email protected]