4. Website Footprinting

1. Gather information with Ping

ping certifiedhacker.com 

Returns the IP address, TTL and round trip time.

Finding maximum fragment size supported

ping -f -l 1500

-f do not fragment

-l specifies the size

If you get an error like this it means the packet size is not supported.

Now try diiferent sizes till the time we get hit and so we are able to find the maximum frame size supported on the machine.

Finding hops with TTL

Maximum hops supported are 255. -i flag sets TTL and -n flag tells the no of packets to be sent. Try different values of -i to get the number of hops.

ping -i 14 -n 1

Other tools

Use tracert (windows) to find the number of hops


2. Website footprinting with Photon

Incredibly fast crawler designed for OSINT.

Photon can extract the following data while crawling:

  • URLs (in-scope & out-of-scope)

  • URLs with parameters (example.com/gallery.php?id=2)

  • Intel (emails, social media accounts, amazon buckets etc.)

  • Files (pdf, png, xml etc.)

  • Secret keys (auth/API keys & hashes)

  • JavaScript files & Endpoints present in them

  • Strings matching custom regex pattern

  • Subdomains & DNS related data

Crawling can be resource intensive but Photon has some tricks up it's sleeves. You can fetch URLs archived by archive.org to be used as seeds by using --wayback option.

python3 photon -u https://certifiedhacker.com

results are saved in directory in the photon folder

Extensive scan

python3 photon -u https://certifiedhacker.com -l 3 -t 200 --wayback
  • -u url

  • -l scan levels

  • -t No of threads

  • --wayback searches archive.org

3.Gather information about target with central ops

Other tools

4. Getting Information with web data extractors

Windows tool. Need to install

Other tools

5. Website Mirroring with HTTrack

Windows tool need to install


Other tools

6. Website recon with Grecon

use google search for reconnaisance

7. Making wordlist with CEWL from website

cewl -w wordlist -d 2 -m 5 www.certifiedhacker.com
  • -d depth

  • -m mimimum word length

  • -w wordlist file

Last updated