Network scanning using AI enhances cybersecurity by automating the detection of vulnerabilities and threats.
1. Scan a Target using ShellGPT
After incorporating the ShellGPT API in Parrot Security Machine, in the terminal window run
sgpt --chat scan --shell “Use hping3 to perform ICMP scanning on the target IP address and stop after 10 iterations”
Now to perform ACK scan on target IP address.
sgpt --chat scan --shell “Run a hping3 ACK scan on port 80 of target IP”
To perform host discovery
sgpt --chat scan --shell "Scan the target network for active hosts and place only the IP addresses into a file scan1.txt
To perform nmap scan against the IP addresses that were gathered in previous step run
sgpt --chat scan --shell "Run a fast but comprehensive nmap scan against scan1.txt with low verbosity and write the results to scan2.txt"
To run ICMP echo scan
sgpt --chat scan --shell “Use nmap to perform ICMP ECHO ping sweep on the target network”
Other scans prompts
sgpt --chat scan --shell "Perform stealth scan on target IP and display the results"
sgpt --chat scan --shell “Perform an XMAS scan on target IP”
sgpt --chat scan --shell “Use Nmap to scan for open ports and services against a list of IP addresses in scan1.txt and copy only the port, service and version information with the respective IP address to a new file called scan3.txt”
sgpt --chat scan --shell “Use Metasploit to discover open ports on the IP address”
sgpt --chat scan --shell “Use Nmap to scan open ports, MAC details, services running on open ports with their versions on target IP”
sgpt --chat scan --shell “Use TTL value and identify the operating system running on the target IP address, display the TTL value and OS”
sgpt --chat scan --shell “Use TTL value and identify the operating system running on the target IP address, display the TTL value and OS”
sgpt --chat scan --shell “Use Nmap script engine to perform OS discovery on the target IP addresses in scan1.txt”
sgpt --chat scan --shell “Develop a script which will automate network scanning efforts and find out live systems, open ports, running services, service versions, etc. on target IP range”
sgpt --chat scan --shell “To evade an IDS/Firewall, use IP address decoy technique to scan the target IP address”
sgpt --chat scan --shell “Within scan1.txt file remove and entries, then display results”
sgpt --chat scancode --code “Create a python script to run a fast but comprehensive Nmap scan on the IP addresses in scan1.txt and then execute vulnerability scanning using nikto against each IP address in scan1.txt”